Packoo 修身純色白色翻領男款正裝襯衫
正裝襯衫 我們的正裝襯衫有多種顏色和圖案可供選擇,可無縫融入您的職業裝,讓您優雅而自信地脫穎而出。非常適合商務會議、特殊活動或任何您想給人留下持久印象的場合。 規格 74.4% 聚酯纖維、3.4% 氨綸、22.2% 竹纖維 修身版型,略帶彈性 男士尺寸:S-6XL 創建很容易 正裝襯衫的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化正裝襯衫將在送達時看起來清爽、光亮,給人留下深刻的印象。
Packoo Socks custom logo pattern name customization
Stand out on the field with custom socks featuring your own logo or name. Our high-quality socks are not only comfortable but also a great way to showcase your brand or personal flair. Personalize your sports gear with our custom socks service, which allows you to add your own logo patterns and names. Whether it's a team emblem or a personal signature, these custom socks will make you stand out on the field, showcasing your individuality and team spirit. Specifications Size: Creating is easy Socks are as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised socks will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
Packoo Solid color leg-covering blanket with custom logo
Solid color leg-covering blankets with custom logos, adding brand characteristics to office naps or leisure time at home. Stay warm and cozy with our solid color leg-covering blankets, now available with custom logo options. These blankets are perfect for office naps, travel, or just lounging at home. With a custom logo, they can serve as a unique corporate gift or a promotional item that keeps your brand close to your customers, even during their downtime. Specifications Size: Creating is easy Blanket is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised blanket will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
Packoo 純色快乾男士舒適微彈運動 T 卹,男士夏季服裝
純色速乾舒適微彈運動T卹 這款 T 卹採用高性能布料製成,可吸走皮膚上的水分,讓您在劇烈鍛鍊期間保持涼爽乾燥。 規格 100%聚酯纖維 男女皆宜的風格,精緻,舒適,柔軟 尺寸: XS-6XL 顏色: 尺寸: 創建很容易 略微彈性的運動 T 卹既易於製作,又易於享受。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將負責剩下的工作,您的個人化微彈運動 T 卹將在送達時看起來挺括、光亮,令人印象深刻。
Packoo Sthenolid Blend of cotton, polyester and elastic; thick and stretchy
Sthenolid Blend of cotton, polyester and elastic; thick and stretchy Cotton: A natural fiber with good moisture absorption, comfortable and breathable, but easy to wrinkle and shrink.Polyester: Synthetic fiber, wear-resistant, wrinkle-resistant, quick-drying, but has poor breathability.Elastic: Man-made fiber with excellent elasticity, making the fabric stretchable. This fabric can be used to make the following products: Sports clothing: such as yoga clothing, fitness clothing, etc., need to be comfortable, breathable and elastic.Casual clothing: such as sweatshirts, pants, etc., provide a comfortable wearing experience.Outdoor clothing: Some outdoor clothing requires warmth and stretch, and this fabric can meet these needs Creating is easy Sthenolid is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised Sthenolid will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
Packoo 肩帶圍裙
這款帶式圍裙經典又別緻,可調節舒適度,並設有一個方便的口袋,可滿足您所有廚房需求。 我們的肩帶圍裙在設計時考慮了舒適性和耐用性,是任何廚師的經典選擇。附有可調式肩帶,完美貼合,確保您在工作時輕鬆活動。寬敞的前袋非常適合存放餐具或食譜,實用又時尚。 規格 布料: 聚酯纖維 成分(%):15%棉、85%聚酯纖維390g 創建很容易 有圍裙的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化肩帶圍裙將在送達時看起來清爽、拋光,令人印象深刻。
Packoo 手提箱,客艙/登機萬向輪旅行行李箱帶輪拉桿箱
使用我們耐用的行李箱輕鬆時尚地旅行,行李箱配有平滑滾動的輪子、伸縮手柄和井然有序的內部隔層 「攜帶我們耐用且寬敞的行李箱,以時尚的方式旅行。這款行李箱專為方便和耐用而設計,採用輕質而堅固的設計、平滑滾動的輪子和可輕鬆操縱的伸縮手柄。在內部,您會發現井井有條的隔層和壓縮帶為了確保您的物品安全、整潔,我們的行李箱非常適合短途旅行和長途旅行,確保您輕鬆自信地旅行。 規格 材質:ABS+PC 內裡材質:聚酯纖維 內部結構: 手機袋,拉鍊暗袋,夾層拉鍊袋,電腦袋,相機袋,證件袋 顏色選擇 創建很容易 手提箱的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化行李箱將在送達時看起來整潔、拋光並準備好給人留下深刻的印象。
Packoo 遮陽帽,訂製遮陽帽,個人化夏季遮陽帽
這款輕質遮陽帽具有寬帽簷和可調節帶子,可提供出色的防曬效果,帶來最大的舒適度。 這款遮陽帽以其輕盈高效的防曬功能而聞名,其寬帽簷可提供出色的遮陽效果,保護您的臉部和眼睛免受有害紫外線的傷害。可調式錶帶設計確保戶外運動或休閒時刻的舒適度。 規格 材質: 100%聚酯纖維 適合人群:男女通用 顏色選擇 創建很容易 遮陽帽的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化遮陽帽將在送達時看起來清爽、拋光,給人留下深刻的印象。
Packoo 超短圍裙,迷你半圍裙
性感又實用的迷你半圍裙,讓您在廚房裡保持時尚。 隆重介紹我們的迷你半圍裙,非常適合想要保持輕鬆活潑風格的人。這款圍裙旨在僅覆蓋必需品,提供一定程度的保護,但又不笨重。它非常適合休閒烹飪或烘焙課程,是任何廚房的有趣而時尚的補充。 規格 布料:100%聚酯纖維340g 創建很容易 迷你半圍裙的製作和享受都很簡單。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化迷你半圍裙將在抵達時看起來清爽、拋光並準備好給人留下深刻的印象。
Packoo 紋身貼紙,客製化臨時紋身,單身派對禮物,紋身貼紙,客製化個人化派對
使用我們安全且易於移除的紋身貼紙表達您的風格,提供逼真且臨時的人體藝術體驗。 使用將藝術與身體無縫融合的紋身貼紙釋放您的個人魅力。我們的刺青貼紙由安全、無毒的材料製成,耐用、易於黏貼、無痛去除,不會對您的皮膚造成傷害。享受逼真的紋身體驗,讓您隨時隨地改變風格。 規格 【關於製作】 正式製作前,設計師會與您確認後再開始製作。 【關於色差】:文件列印和電子螢幕顏色是兩個不同的顏色概念。色差在15%左右,屬於正常範圍。感謝您的體諒。 【關於價格】:客製化連結的價格沒有實際意義,只是為了方便下單。具體價格請先與我們的客服同事溝通尺寸和數量進行報價。 創建很容易 紋身貼紙的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化紋身貼紙將在抵達時看起來清爽、拋光並準備好給人留下深刻的印象。
Packoo Tencel chiffon, fabric, fabric customization,Hubtex
Hubtex's Tencel Chiffon fabric, offering customization services, is prized for its lightness and eco-friendliness, making it a preferred choice for crafting elegant women's wear and decorative items. Known for its soft drape and subtle sheen, Tencel Chiffon is a favorite among designers for its ability to add a touch of elegance to any design. With our fabric customization services, you can tailor this fabric to your specific needs, whether you're looking for a specific color, pattern, or finish. Hubtex's commitment to sustainability and quality makes Tencel Chiffon an excellent choice for those who value both style and environmental responsibility. Creating is easy Hubtex is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised Hubtex will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
Packoo Thick thickened canvas digital printing fabric fabric customization
Collatex fabric, made of 100% polyester, offers unparalleled durability and easy maintenance. This high-density fabric is not only resistant to wear and tear but also boasts excellent wrinkle resistance and color retention, making it an ideal choice for crafting pillows, door curtains, and tablecloth decorations. With its smooth surface and contemporary design, Collatex fabric brings a practical yet stylish solution to home decor, seamlessly integrating into various interior styles whether it's to enhance the comfort of your living room or add a splash of color to your dining area. Creating is easy Collatex is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised Collatex will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.