CustomHK 100% 棉背心無袖長版背心、背心
100% 棉無袖背心 這款汗衫專為完美合身而設計,採用柔軟、透氣的棉質面料製成,觸感溫和。任何季節。 規格 100% 棉 男女皆宜的風格,精緻,舒適,柔軟 尺寸: S-4XL 創建很容易 無袖背心的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化無袖背心將在送達時看起來清爽、拋光,給人留下深刻的印象。
CustomHK 3/4 袖插肩 T 卹,男女通用 3/4 袖插肩 T 卹
穿上我們的 3/4 袖插肩 T 卹,保持輕鬆時尚,完美融合運動休閒風格,適合換季時節 我們的 3/4 袖插肩 T 卹將運動外觀與休閒舒適融為一體,是過渡季節的理想選擇。 3/4 長度的袖子提供適度的溫暖,同時保持輕盈的耐磨性 規格 100%棉,(運動灰90%棉10%滌) 男女皆宜的風格,精緻,舒適,柔軟 尺寸: 顏色: 創建很容易 3/4 袖插肩 T 恤的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化 3/4 袖插肩 T 卹將在抵達時看起來清爽、拋光並準備好給人留下深刻的印象。
CustomHK 550 毫升旅行杯/不鏽鋼雙層杯和旅行咖啡帶蓋和吸管蓋飲用瓶
不鏽鋼真空星巴克冷杯帶吸管 其巧妙的設計和精湛的工藝深受人們的喜愛。非常適合旅行、辦公室、健身房、學校、露營、遠足或汽車使用。這款不鏽鋼咖啡杯配有一根不會破裂的可重複使用的吸管和一個可輕鬆擰開/關閉的平蓋。雙層設計經久耐用,不會燒傷或凍住您的手。我們認為這是送給通勤者、家人、朋友、同事、同學等的一份很棒的禮物。 規格: 材質:金屬 金屬類型:不銹鋼 類型:帶吸管馬克杯 容量:550ML 特徵: 採用優質不銹鋼製成,健康環保,堅固耐用。 風格獨特,美麗端莊。 高品質耐用、不燃燒、不褪色、易清潔、耐高溫消毒。 適合家庭、食堂、露營餐廳、旅遊等。 創建很容易 印刷杯子的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個性化杯子將在抵達時看起來清爽、拋光並準備好給人留下深刻的印象。
CustomHK 600ML便攜式鋁水瓶個性運動水壺戶外旅行便攜水壺
客製化logo運動水瓶-適合健身房、騎乘、健行等。 個人化領域最暢銷的產品之一;適合各種場合,如健身房、俱樂部、學校、生日禮物、週年紀念(如父親節、情人節等)。 擠壓鋁製噴嘴,附可伸縮噴嘴蓋,品質優良,輕巧耐用。 規格 材質:鋁 顏色: 白色,銀色 容量:600ml 客製化標誌:支援熱昇華列印 創建很容易 印刷水瓶的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化水瓶將在送達時看起來清爽、拋光,並留下深刻的印象。
CustomHK 600ML水瓶訂製熱轉印保溫杯附印刷照片,空白塗層鐵蓋,不鏽鋼保溫水壺杯
用時尚實用的保溫瓶表達您的個性或宣傳您的品牌 這款不鏽鋼水瓶非常適合個性化您的企業商標或您選擇的任何圖形。無論圖形如何,印刷品都會閃閃發光。 可自訂:釋放您的創造力,並用您自己的設計或徽標個性化您的瓶子。從多種顏色、字體和樣式中進行選擇,打造真正獨特的風格。 耐用且可重複使用:這些瓶子由優質不銹鋼製成,耐用且持久。它們還可以重複使用,使其成為環保且具有成本效益的選擇。 隔熱設計:雙層真空隔熱可讓您的飲料保溫長達 12 小時或保冷長達 24 小時。 多功能:這些瓶子非常適合運動和健身、旅行和冒險、工作和學校,是在旅途中保持水分的理想方式。 規格 材質:304不鏽鋼容量: 501mL(含)-600mL(含)顏色: 白色,銀色用途:保溫杯罩杯款式: 直杯 創建很容易 水瓶的製作和享受都很簡單。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化水瓶將在抵達時看起來清爽、拋光並準備好給人留下深刻的印象。
CustomHK Agalatex (Scaba),Fabric Custom Printed Polyester Fiber Digitally Printed Curtains
Durable and water-resistant, Agalatex (Scaba) fabric is perfect for creating custom, high-quality outdoor gear and accessories. Agalatex (Scaba) fabric, with its versatile and durable nature, is an ideal choice for a wide range of custom-made items. From elegant tablecloths that withstand spills to stylish door curtains that filter light, and from flowing maxi skirts to chic mini skirts and tailored jackets, this fabric offers a blend of functionality and sophistication, perfect for enhancing any interior or wardrobe with its water-resistant and resilient qualities. Creating is easy Agalatex (Scaba) is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised Agalatex (Scaba) will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
CustomHK Anti-scald gloves, microwave oven gloves, thick silicone insulation gloves
A glove for every occasion. Choose from microwave-safe to thick silicone mitts.Customize our range of heat-resistant gloves. Experience the ultimate in heat protection with our diverse range of gloves. From microwave-safe options to thick silicone oven mitts, our gloves are designed to keep your hands safe. Our selection of heat-resistant gloves offers superior protection and versatility. Size Customized Case Material Display Creating is easy Printed insulating gloves is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised insulating gloves will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
antitheftbackpack、Backpack、large capacity business computer
When traveling or going about your daily routine, safety is of the utmost importance. This custom-made anti-theft backpack features advanced anti-theft designs such as hidden zippers, anti-cut materials, and secure pockets to effectively protect your valuables from thieves. Whether it's a city stroll or a long trip, this custom anti-theft backpack can provide you with all-round security while showing off your personality and taste. Specifications Size: Creating is easy Antitheftbackpackis as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised antitheftbackpack will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
CustomHK 背包,旅行背包,學校背包,個性背包
這款背包多功能且耐用,設有多個隔層和可調節肩帶,帶來極致的便利和舒適 透過我們的多功能背包探索風格與功能的完美融合。這款背包採用耐用材質製成,具有多個隔層,可有序存放物品,可調節肩帶確保舒適貼合,時尚設計適合休閒和專業場合。我們的背包非常適合日常使用、旅行或戶外探險,是您旅途中的可靠伴侶 規格 材質:聚酯纖維背包重量:280g 可承受重量:20kg 顏色選擇 創建很容易 背包的製作和享受都很容易。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化背包將在送達時看起來清爽、光亮,給人留下深刻的印象。
CustomHK Badminton sportswear, Long-sleeved, winter jersey,custom team uniforms, custom autumn clothes
Create a cohesive look for your badminton team with our custom uniforms. Choose from a wide range of styles, colors, and fabrics to create the perfect uniform for your team. From breathable short-sleeve tees for summer to warm winter jerseys for colder months, we've got you covered. Designed for performance and style, our custom badminton sportswear is perfect for athletes of all levels. From breathable short-sleeve tees to warm winter jerseys, we offer a variety of options to suit your needs. Customize your team uniforms with your logo and colors today. Specifications Size: Creating is easy Badminton sportswear is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised Badminton sportswear will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
CustomHK Badminton sportswear, Shortt-sleeved, winter jersey,custom team uniforms, custom autumn clothes
Designed for performance and style, our custom badminton sportswear is perfect for athletes of all levels. From breathable short-sleeve tees to warm winter jerseys, we offer a variety of options to suit your needs. Customize your team uniforms with your logo and colors today. Create a cohesive look for your badminton team with our custom uniforms. Choose from a wide range of styles, colors, and fabrics to create the perfect uniform for your team. From breathable short-sleeve tees for summer to warm winter jerseys for colder months, we've got you covered. Specifications Size: Creating is easy Badminton sportswear is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised Badminton sportswear will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.
badminton-racket-cover、Customized according to drawings
客製化的球拍套可以為您的羽球拍提供完美的保護。採用柔軟耐磨的材質,能有效防止球拍表面的刮痕和損壞。 客製化可讓您選擇顏色、圖案或添加自己的標誌和文字,使其成為獨一無二的裝置。 規格 尺寸: 創作很容易 羽毛球拍套的製作和享受都很簡單。首先,瀏覽我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。一旦找到最喜歡的,您可以透過添加詳細資訊和選擇最喜歡的顏色選項來客製化您的設計。我們會處理好剩下的事情,您的個人化羽球拍套將會看起來乾淨、精緻並給您留下深刻的印象。
$150.00 - $156.00