訂單滿 500 美元免運費



  • Napkin,Linen napkins, western restaurant placemats

    CustomHK Napkin,Linen napkins, western restaurant placemats

    Made from high-quality fabric, it is soft and absorbent. Customize the color, pattern, and text to add a touch of elegance and personal style to your table setting. You can customize the color, pattern and text of the napkins according to the banquet theme or personal preference. Whether it is a formal dinner, family gathering or daily dining, it can bring a unique beauty and personalized atmosphere to the table, making every meal a special one. A double enjoyment of sight and taste. Specifications Size: Creating is easy Napkin is as easy to create as it is to enjoy. To get started, explore our gallery of fully customisable design options. Already have a design? You can upload it using our tool. Once you’ve found a favourite, you can customise your design by adding your details and choosing the colour options you like best. We’ll take care of the rest and your personalised napkin will arrive looking crisp, polished and ready to impress.


  • 客製化桌布 帶有您標誌的個人化桌布

    CustomHK 客製化桌布 帶有您標誌的個人化桌布

    客製化桌布 使用我們的訂製桌布給您的客人留下深刻的印象並增強您的品牌形象。 這款桌布採用耐用的高品質面料製成,可根據您的標誌、品牌或您選擇的任何設計進行客製化。我們的桌布非常適合貿易展覽、會議或特別活動,可確保您的展示看起來精美且誘人。 規格 材質: 緞面 適用:場景飯店會議、甜點台、生日裝飾 產品顏色:多種顏色可選 創建很容易 桌布的製作和享受都很簡單。首先,請探索我們完全可自訂的設計選項庫。已經有設計了嗎?您可以使用我們的工具上傳它。找到最喜歡的顏色後,您可以透過添加細節並選擇您最喜歡的顏色選項來自訂您的設計。我們將處理剩下的事情,您的個人化桌布將在送達時看起來清爽、拋光,給人留下深刻的印象。

    $0.00 - $146.00

#Table Coverings


